I'll admit that I've had an on-again-off-again relationship with photography.

Throughout my childhood I owned a variety of 110 and 35mm cameras. I took a photo of every rollercoaster I rode, every funny face my brother made, every weird object that caught my eye. I quickly found out that developing film costs money, and my allowance funds were limited. I stopped shooting.

In high school I used my first SLR camera and entered the darkroom. For the first time, I had control over the entire process from capture to print. I was hooked. I spent hours in the darkroom while my classmates thought developing prints was 'the boring part'. After college, I lost access to a darkroom and missed the control that came with developing my own prints. I went back to taking simple snapshots.

When I finally bought my first DSLR and began shooting in RAW, my love of photography was rekindled. Once again I had the entire photographic process, but this time with no limits on the number of frames I can shoot or how I can process my images. This is what I had been waiting for my whole life.
Since then, I've been learning by experimentation.

I love shooting still-life and action.
Nature and architecture.
Landscape and macro.
Portraits and abstracts.
Just about anything.

On this website you can find some of my current projects.